Crew Capital Management Thoughts on Investment

Welcome to the Crew Capital Management Thoughts on Investment blog. At Crew Capital, investment education is key to how we work with our clients. We hope our conversation and analysis entice you to think further on your investment strategies and planning. For further discussion, please contact us at

Thank you!
Robert F. Jung, CFA CPA*

*CPA inactve

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A 25-point retirement age checklist

I just read A 25-point retirement age checklist on  It provides all readers with insight to consider as they look to retirement.   All too often, this is put off until it is upon you voluntarily or involuntarily.  By then it might be too late to retire the way you have always dream of.

For the reason I go to a mechanic to change my oil in my car, even though I know how to do it; it is well worth your time to seek out a professional advisor to help you work through this process.  In addition, don't stop when you find the professional, educate yourself.  It makes for better judgment when selecting the advisor and your ongoing relationship with the advisor.  The advisor should always be willing to educate you during the relationship, it is paramount for success.  

Below are the 25 bullet points:
  1. Calculate available retirement income and assess adequacy
  2. Consider life expectancy, expenditures and risks
  3. Perform analysis to model plan functionality
  4. Evaluate the impact of your debt
  5. Determine the availability of health insurance
  6. Examine the impact of various Social Security claiming-age options
  7. Assess the type of retirement plan and the plan's features
  8. Analyze the financial status of investments
  9. Examine earnings prospects if you remain employed
  10. Appraise the availability of phased retirement
  11. Factor in early retirement incentives
  12. Consider your willingness to compromise financial goals
  13. Assess whether you are and/or will be healthy enough to continue working
  14. Examine whether your situation will require caregiving for a loved one
  15. Are you concerned that future health limitations will interfere with personal retirement goals?
  16. Evaluate whether you will need to retire to raise grandchildren
  17. Appraise the likelihood of your job ending suddenly and prematurely
  18. Assess job satisfaction and potential changes in job satisfaction
  19. Understand how to determine an appropriate retirement date and broaden your expectation
  20. Evaluate your ability to adapt to retirement
  21. Assess the identity, fellowship and status you receive from working
  22. Determine your willingness to work
  23. Determine your desire for leisure
  24. Weigh the balance between work satisfaction and retirement satisfaction
  25. Examine the potential for joint retirement

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